Sold my Tech magazine site this week for 35X profit recently and i am glad my plan worked well. And i am here to give you my one year journey in short and help you how to grow tech blog without much expense and exit for great profit.
My overall expense was $550 including the writing article, Since i did the Design and development of the site, SEO and all other stuff.
Started this year and grew my site organically by publishing good content. Also my Own SEO strategy worked well to bring quick traffic. I didn’t have a team or employee, its just me putting my time and effort on this site.
This is my 6th website from past 3 years and i successfully managed to sell every site i started each year. You can check my other journeys here.
People said, tech niche is hard, but i say its super easier than you think, all you have to think different and try narrow your ideas.
Here are my learnings in building and selling a tech blog, ranking hard short keywords without much expense on link building. Below are some myths i disagree on and people can do whatever they love with regards to all those noise out there says “Don’t do it”.
Here’s my learnings on this experiment that can help you if you are working on your site.
Myth 1: Tech Niche is hard to rank
Let’s cut to the chase, people or experts you call, say tech niche blog is hard to rank for keywords, because of the competition or Keyword difficulty around the search.
It may not surprising if you are in SEO industry longer like me, because Tech niche blogs are hard to build, because your top 10 SERP is already occupied by the big tech sites like Techcrunch, Verge, Recode, CNET..etc.
So they are not wrong to say that its hard to gain your organic traffic in short period, but also it’s the MOST HIGHEST OPPORTUNISTIC NICHE ever.
People use tech products and services all over the world, and searches on keywords are ever growing faster. This is a good opportunity if you are starting with it and know what you are doing. So stop believing everything and missing out best niche in making money.
Myth 2: You Need lot of content
Nope, you don’t need!
When i sold my website, i published around 28 articles that are 2k words per article. That’s it!
Once again, i usually tell my clients, it is not about the quantity when it comes to SEO, quality is king here. So make sure you give a great content and improve / update it regularly.
Also i published 2 articles per week, because i want to make sure the article indexed ( we all know indexing became harder day by day if you have new domain).
So, have a plan, do your competitor research, find their strategy and make it better on yours.
Myth 3: Need lot to spend on Backlinks

Once again, its all about your niche!
I am doing this for over 7 years now and see what changed now, people believe that building cheap or millions of links bring traffic, its a common knowledge around web now.
This is bit odd to hear and laugh myself when someone says it, because they didn’t have much experience on it.
Backlinks is about quality, For example, i seen website that have only 15 referring domain and getting 20k traffic per day. I am sure it will be shocking if you have thought quantity of backlinks matter.
Stop building ton of backlinks that has no value, and i am lucky that i have network of professional link builders that give me awesome work as request. So choose the right niche links that can help Google to understand your site content.
Myth 4: Need Expertise on the topic
Oh yes, topic expertise that Google talked about lot on their E-A-T algorithm update, and every niche need little bit of basic idea / knowledge about the industry.
In all the niche’s, Tech is one of the faster changing industry and we keep getting new things everyday. So knowledge adoption is important. But you don’t have to be a expert on the topic you focusing on.
For example, i am not expert in technical part of VR or AR, i know what it is and how it can benefit people, what are the problems we may face. So its a common knowledge.
So, you don’t need deep knowledge about the topic you are writing, if you do not, hire a writer who has it on Fiverr.
Final Words,
It was a great ride, i never thought my website goes for 35X exit, in just one year, but i am surprised.
Hard work never fails, Be honest with your self and Don’t attach with your products.
It was a great experiment to work on tech blog which i never done before, but it worked well.
Now i am started with new websites that focus on travel and shopping ideas. Hope that can bring more profit soon.
Hope these lessons on website flipping can help you better, if you have any query related to my work and services, you can always reach me via
Until then, thanks for spending time on reading my journey, hope to write more guides soon, :).